All my lessons will be constructive and planned. You will receive a progress record card which will be filled out at the end of every lesson. I keep a record card for every pupil so that I know I have covered every part of the test with you on a number of different occasions. What work was covered in the last lesson will be reassessed at the beginning of the next.

We will work hard but we will have fun and don’t be afraid to ask questions and if we need to go over something 10 times I am more than happy to do this until you are happy with what you have to do.

I have one aim on your first lesson, and that is to get you to drive home. Pupils have a great sense of achievement when they do this.

We can use a test centre of your choice, but Bodmin centre is the closest and it is a good area to learn in.

I will provide you with the knowledge and skills to not only help you to pass your driving test, but to help you to become a safe and confident driver for life!!






Please call, text or email me if you would like some advice or more information.

I would be happy to help.Please call on 01579 347597 or text on 07786017959 with your enquiry.